(defun compose (function &rest more-functions)
  "Returns a function composed of FUNCTION and MORE-FUNCTIONS that applies its
arguments to to each in turn, starting from the rightmost of MORE-FUNCTIONS,
and then calling the next one with the primary value of the last."
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
  (reduce (lambda (f g)
            (let ((f (ensure-function f))
                  (g (ensure-function g)))
              (lambda (&rest arguments)
                (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
                (funcall f (apply g arguments)))))
          :initial-value function))

(defun make-snoc ()
  (vector nil nil))
(defun add-to-snoc (acc a)
  (if (elt acc 1)
      (let* ((to-build (elt acc 1))
             (updated (push a (cdr to-build))))
        (setf (elt acc 1) (cdr to-build)))
      (let ((new (list a)))
        (setf (elt acc 0) new
              (elt acc 1) new)))
(defun desnoc (acc)
  (elt acc 0))

(defun 2* (it)
  (* 2 it))

;; mapcar: conses up three lists, but keeps the steps separate
cl-user> (mapcar '1+
                 (mapcar '2*
                         (mapcar 'parse-integer
                                 '("234" "345" "567" "213"))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; reduce: conses up one list, but at the expense of mixing all the steps together
cl-user> (desnoc
          (reduce (lambda (acc a)
                    (add-to-snoc acc
                                 (1+ (2* (parse-integer a)))))
                  '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                  :initial-value (make-snoc)))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; minor reshuffling to separate "building up the result" from the steps
cl-user> (flet ((it (rf)
                  (lambda (acc a)
                    (funcall rf
                             acc (1+ (2* (parse-integer a)))))))
            (reduce (it 'add-to-snoc)
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; extract one step into its own function
cl-user> (labels ((1+-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (1+ next))))
                  (it (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall (1+-each rf) acc (2* (parse-integer next))))))
            (reduce (it 'add-to-snoc)
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; continue the pattern, still only two lists are built, instead of three
cl-user> (labels ((1+-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (1+ next))))
                  (2*-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (2* next))))
                  (parse-integer-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (parse-integer next))))
                  (it (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall (parse-integer-each (2*-each (1+-each rf))) acc next))))
            (reduce (it 'add-to-snoc)
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; inline IT
cl-user> (labels ((1+-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (1+ next))))
                  (2*-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (2* next))))
                  (parse-integer-each (rf)
                    (lambda (acc next)
                      (funcall rf acc (parse-integer next)))))
            (reduce (parse-integer-each (2*-each (1+-each 'add-to-snoc)))
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; Abstract the "mapping" pattern
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next))))))
            (reduce (funcall (mapping #'parse-integer)
                             (funcall (mapping #'2*)
                                      (funcall (mapping #'1+)
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; re-express as composition of steps
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next))))))
            (reduce (funcall (compose (mapping #'parse-integer)
                                      (mapping #'2*)
                                      (mapping #'1+))
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; combine "add item to list" with "unwrap the result"
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next)))))
                  (builder (acc &optional (next nil next-p))
                    (if next-p
                        (add-to-snoc acc next)
                        (desnoc acc))))
            (reduce (funcall (compose (mapping #'parse-integer)
                                      (mapping #'2*)
                                      (mapping #'1+))
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (make-snoc))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; use the builder to get the initial value
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next)))))
                  (builder (&optional (acc nil acc-p) (next nil next-p))
                    (cond (next-p (add-to-snoc acc next))
                          (acc-p (desnoc acc))
                          (t (make-snoc)))))
            (reduce (funcall (compose (mapping #'parse-integer)
                                      (mapping #'2*)
                                      (mapping #'1+))
                    '("234" "345" "567" "213")
                    :initial-value (builder))))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; abstract a TRANSDUCE operation: now the transformation is built up step-wise, and separated from
;;          the parts that build up the resulting data structure
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next)))))
                  (transduce (xf build seq)
                    (funcall build
                             (reduce (funcall xf build) seq :initial-value (funcall build)))))
           (transduce (compose (mapping #'parse-integer)
                               (mapping #'2*)
                               (mapping #'1+))
                      (lambda (&optional (acc nil acc-p) (next nil next-p))
                        (cond (next-p (add-to-snoc acc next))
                              (acc-p (desnoc acc))
                              (t (make-snoc))))
                      '("234" "345" "567" "213")))
(469 691 1135 427)

;; We can trivially switch data structures now
cl-user> (labels ((mapping (function)
                    (lambda (rf)
                      (lambda (acc next)
                        (funcall rf acc (funcall function next)))))
                  (transduce (xf build seq)
                    (funcall build
                             (reduce (funcall xf build) seq :initial-value (funcall build)))))
           (transduce (compose (mapping #'parse-integer)
                               (mapping #'2*)
                               (mapping #'1+))
                      (lambda (&optional (acc nil acc-p) (next nil next-p))
                        (cond (next-p (vector-push-extend next acc) acc)
                              (acc-p acc)
                              (t (make-array 0 :fill-pointer t :adjustable t))))
                      '("234" "345" "567" "213")))
#(469 691 1135 427)